JANUARY 2022 - Online Musical Theatre (Ages 7-10)
Sundays 2:00-3:00pm PT Jan 9 – March 6, 2022. 9 classes. Tuition $80 A musical theatre confidence building class. Students learn dances, songs and engage in interactive activities while developing life skills. Art, stories games, and fun! Students perform virtually at the end of term.

Class Time & Location
Apr 07, 2022, 9:25 p.m.
Online Classes (Zoom)
Class Details
Ages 8 – 10 is a musical theatre confidence building class. In these weekly classes, we learn a dance routine and practice crazy tongue twisters to warm up our singing voices and learn new songs. Through hands on activities, students develop acting strategies, explore characters, and learn valuable life skills. We do art projects and learn new games. Over the term, students are assigned scenes to work on with partners. Working independently with a partner encourages connection, focus and teamwork. Students engage in songs, and dances to prepare for their performance project to be shared at the end of term. This is a performance class.
During the last week of classes, students get a private class to film their songs and dances that we have learnt over the term. A performance video of all the students will be put together and shared virtually with friends and family.
*charge of 2.9% 30 cents for paying by card to avoid this fee you can pay e-transfer