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Spring Budding Blossoms (Ages 4–7)

Tuesdays 5-6pm PT May – June 2021. 9 classes. Tuition $75 Budding Blossoms is a creative musical theatre class. Sing, dance & act, with interactive activities. Students practice teamwork, musical awareness and confidence. Movement, art, and play! This is a performance program.

Class if Full. Contact us to Join the waitlist!
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Spring Budding Blossoms (Ages 4–7)
Spring Budding Blossoms (Ages 4–7)

Class Time & Location

Sep 05, 2021, 7:00 p.m.

Virtual Classes (Zoom)

Class Details


Budding Blossoms ages 4 - 7 is a creative musical theatre class. Sing, dance and act, with sing-alongs and interactive activities. Students enrolled build confidence and practice sportsmanship, through games and play. We begin class by warming up our body with stretches and exercise. Then we dance, focusing on mind and body connection and allowing free expression. Together we act out poems, play games, create stories, and do art. These activities foster imagination while learning the components of storytelling. Over the term students work towards a small musical performance filled with song and dance. This is a performance class.

During the last week of classes, students get a private class to film their songs and dances that we have learnt over the term. A performance video of all the students will be put together and shared virtually with friends and family.


*charge of 2.9% 30 cents for paying by card to avoid this fee you can pay e-transfer

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